Monday, January 17, 2011

Just a quick update about what’s going on with the blog!

Hey guys and gals…I know that most of you have probably noticed that I don’t have new post up daily like I have been doing and I just wanted to take a second to let everyone know what’s going on and what to expect from here on out.

Yes, everything is fine with our family and I am going to continue to work on my blog and host reviews and giveaways as much as possible but the post will probably be around 1-2 a day vs. the 4-5 I was doing for the simple fact I don’t have as much time now as I did before, yes, I’m still staying at home with “Bug” and not working but I am now a full time college student at Arkansas Tech University, studying to get my licenses as a RN in Labor and Delivery, so as you can imagine that is my number one priority after my family so my blog is going to have to take a back seat to my studies and classes. But that doesn’t mean that I wont be posting daily….I still have full intentions on getting at least one review/giveaway up a day…although I’m sure there are going to be days when I’m not able to do so. I will also be posting later on in the day and on the weekends to keep up.

Also there is going to be a change in the way my giveaways end….if they are still listed on my sidebar they are still open even though the end date has pasted….I am still going to try and get the winners chosen the day after the giveaways end, but due to time it may take a day or so and if they are still listed you can still enter them.

Thank you all for understanding and joining me in my journey to bettering myself and the life of my family!! This blog would be nothing with out all of you and I appreciate you all so much and I know you will all stand behind me and understand if I lack a bit on posting a day or so a week :0)!!

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Thanks so much for entering the giveaways here on my blog but please remember that if you do not have your profile public with an e-mail address to leave one so I can contact you if you win.