Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bee Free Honee Review and Giveaway

Around our house we love trying new and unique products and we especially like to try anything sweet. We also eat quite a bit of honey, but I’m also a little leery about giving “Bug” too much honey because of his allergies. I know that some people say that honey is good for seasonal allergies, but as a mom I’m just not comfortable giving him too much. The sad part is that he loves honey and wants to eat it on everything and of course when I won’t let him have it I’m being mean but really I’m not. But real recently I was introduced to Bee Free Honee, and I was very excited to read that it’s a honey made from apples and not bees!! I was even more thrilled when I was given a chance to review a bottle and offer you guys a giveaway!

About Bee Free Honee (taken from website):

Bee Free Honee is a unique sweetener with a slightly tart flavor. It is "apple honey" in that it is made from apples rather than by bees! We use only three all natural ingredients, apple, pure cane sugar, and lemon juice. There is nothing artificial, no added color and no corn syrup.

Just as you would have more than one flavor jam in your refrigerator, this gives you a new flavor for your pantry. It is an apple syrup for your pancakes as well as an all natural sweetener. It is great for kids and it is Minnesota made while strictly using Midwest apples. It is Bee Free Honee and if your co-op or grocery doesn't carry it, then please be sure to ask for it!

Bee Free Honee is great for:
* Vegans
* Small Children, as there is no fear of Botulism
* Those allergic to traditional honey
* Foodies looking for a new flavor
* Those looking for stable pricing against the fluctuating costs of traditional honey due to the decline of the bee population.

Bee Free Honee can be used in BBQ sauces, hot and cold beverages, vinegarettes, granola, cakes, breads, basically...if you use traditional honey in the recipe, you can use Bee Free Honee interchangeably.

Pour it on your pancakes, waffles, or french toast, it makes wonderful apple syrup. It's "apple honey" on your morning toast, yogurt, or oatmeal. Use Bee Free Honee any way you can imagine...but most importantly, enjoy it.

What makes this even more exciting is the fact that it is made in Minnesota, using strictly Midwest apples. The bottles and caps, labels, boxes that they are cased in are all from the Twin Cities. This product is as local as we could make it.

I am so excited to be able to share this with you and pleased you have chosen to visit this website. I know that if you are willing to give my honee a try, that you will be pleasantly surprised. It's not too sweet, nor too tart and suprisingly like honey, but with a brand new twist.

So please visit often to see where we are sampling, for recipes, and honee news!

Thank you for your support and remember...Bee Free & Natural!

Our Thoughts:

We were sent two bottles of the Bee Free Honee and it arrived very quickly. Once the Bee Free Honee arrived I just had to get a small taste, since it’s made from apples and not bees. My first initial taste made my taste buds dance with the super sweet flavor that was just a bit tart. My husband was also very impressed with his first tiny sample but the real test was with “Bug”, he really likes his honey and we were about to see what he thought. Well…much to our surprise after a small taste on the end of his finger he was hooked! He immediately asked for more than wanted some on toast!

After our first initial taste we decided to give it the ultimate test…our Sunday dinner breakfast where we always have my parents and sister over for a huge home cooked breakfast that usually consist of homemade biscuits, pancakes, bacon, sausage and gravy. So what better time right? We always usually have a jar of honey from the local bee keeper but this Sunday it was different we put the Bee Free Honee on the table. My dad was the first to recognize that his usually honey wasn’t on the table for his biscuits but he didn’t mind he is like me he will try anything once. But, my mom and sister was a bit more difficult to convince to give it a try but they finally gave in and they love it! My dad was immediately hooked and wanted to know where to get his own jar of Bee Free Honee! This honey gave the biscuit’s a wonderful flavor that is hard to describe because it’s so unique, I would almost say it was desert like.

Since that Sunday we have used the Bee Free Honee several times, my husband and dad mixed up some mean BBQ sauce using the Bee Free Honee and man was it ever the best BBQ sauce we have ever had, I wish they would have written down the recipe but they say it’s a secret but I’ll get I out of them for you guys! This honey is super delicious and I love that I can give “Bug” his honey toast for breakfast anytime he wants it without having to worry about the allergies.

Bottom Line:

I just can’t say enough about Bee Free Honee and I could go on all day about all the wonderful ways we have tried this honey. I just love it on everything that need a sweet and tart kick! The possibilities of the delicious concoctions you could come up with to feature Bee Free Honee and if you have a favorite recipe that calls for honey, I challenge you to replace the bee honey with the Bee Free Honee and see what kind of gem you will end up with.

Looking for honey that will be safe of bee allergies and vegan free? If so I would totally recommend picking up a bottle of Bee Free Honee, it will be love at first taste!

Buy It:
To purchase the Bee Free Honee mentioned above visit the Bee Free Honey website to find a retail location!

Win It:
Bee Free Honee has generously offered two of my readers a bottle of their delicious Bee Free Honee (ARV $23.96)!

Mandatory Entry: Visit Bee Free Honee and tell me a recipe that you would like to try or how you would use your Bee Free Honee if you won! Please remember to leave your e-mail address if it’s not visible in your profile. Be sure to leave a comment for each entry for them to be counted.

Want or need extra entries? Check out how to grab em’ below! (Mandatory Entry must be complete for these to count)

1. Become a public follower of my blog (2 extra)

2. Follow me on twitter @sgrant2005 and tweet this giveaway (can be done daily)

3. Subscribe to my feed via a reader

4. Blog about this giveaway with a link to this post and to Bee Free Honee be sure to leave me a link (5 extra)

5. “Like” Bee Free Honee on Facebook

Giveaway ends June 27, 2011 @ midnight CST. Winner will be chosen at random, using random.org and contacted by e-mail and has 48 hrs to respond before a new winner is chosen.

This review is based strictly my opinion. Others may have a different opinion with the product listed above. I did receive a bottle of Bee Free Honee mentioned above complementary for this review. No monetary compensation was received.


  1. The recipe for Apple Honey Granola sounds good, but the first thing that came to mind was a recipe I ran across recently and bookmarked for Peanut Butter Balls.
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  2. I'm a gfc friend
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  3. #2 gfc friend
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  4. would love to try out the Apple Honey" Granola, the only recipe showing, and I love putting honey on hot biscuits for breakfast.

  5. “Like” Bee Free Honee on Facebook
    Gumma Medlin

  6. rt-http://twitter.com/gummasplace/status/80823150060900352

  7. I would put this on waffles and pancakes!

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  8. Yummmmmy ! This product sounds soooo yummy! I would love to mix it up with a huge, juicy bowl of fresh spring fruit! Berries, apples and fresh mint! Sounds fantastic. A great snack!I would also drizzle it on my favorite salad. It would add just the right amount of sweetness to my fresh raw veggies! Like on facebook already!

    Vegangal 72 at hotmail dot com

  9. daily tweet-http://twitter.com/gummasplace/status/81024204102844416

  10. rt-http://twitter.com/gummasplace/status/81388794577821696

  11. id use it in my tea crystletellerday@yahoo.com

  12. I would use it with plain yogurt as a dessert.


  13. rt-http://twitter.com/gummasplace/status/81867586278658048

  14. Apply HOney Granola is the only one


  15. timmiedeluca@comcast.net


  16. timmiedeluca@comcast.net

    fan of honee-laura deluca

  17. I like to add honee to my hot tea in the morning.

  18. I'm a public follower of your blog # 1

  19. I'm a public follower of your blog # 2

  20. I Subscribe to your feed via a reader

  21. I “Like” Bee Free Honee on Facebook

  22. I Follow you on twitter @sgrant2005 and tweet this giveaway

  23. https://twitter.com/hity88/status/82681456786276353

  24. I'd use it for Peanut Butter and Honey sandwiches!


    selinda_mccumbers at yahoo.com

  25. I follow with GFC!


    selinda_mccumbers at yahoo.com

  26. daily tweet-http://twitter.com/gummasplace/status/82887143361486848

  27. I would use it on buttered toast!

  28. https://twitter.com/hity88/status/83044508937363456

  29. rt-http://twitter.com/gummasplace/status/83745724201840640

  30. rt-http://twitter.com/gummasplace/status/83951816831803392

  31. I would love to try this honee on my peanut butter sandwiches!

    kellierosewilson At hotmail DOT com

  32. following your blog via GFC

    kellierosewilson At hotmail DOT com

  33. following you on twitter and tweeted!



    kellierosewilson At hotmail Dot com

  34. I like Bee Free Honee on fbook

    kellierosewilson At hotmail DOT com

  35. rt=https://twitter.com/gummasplace/status/84424957664309248

  36. Apple Honey Granola is the only recipe currently available, but it sounds delicious!

    zoekyklos at gmail dot com

  37. I like Bee Free Honee on Facebook

    zoe kyklos

    zoekyklos at gmail dot com

  38. Public follower of your blog

    zoekyklos at gmail dot com

    comment 1

  39. Public follower of your blog

    zoekyklos at gmail dot com

    comment 2

  40. Subscribed with Google Reader

    zoekyklos at gmail dot com

  41. I think this would be such a healthy alternative for my boys' toast in the morning!

  42. GFC Follower- Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com)

  43. apple honey granola

  44. gfc follower 1

  45. gfc follower

  46. I'm vegan, so I don't use honey, so this would be a great product for me. I would use it to make baklava, a food I love but haven't eaten since becoming vegan 10 years ago.

    the imagine tree at aol dot com

  47. i think i would use it on a peanut butter sandwich!
    trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

  48. gfc follower(cpage2323)
    trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

  49. #2
    gfc follower(cpage2323)
    trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

  50. I would like to make the "Apple Honey" Granola recipe!


  51. I'd put it in my tea and on my apples
    Diane Baum

  52. i would like to try the "Apple Honey" Granola recipe
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  53. I would use the honey in my tea or I also like drinking just warm water with honey and a splash of lemon, or honey on toast.......mmmmmmm.
    cleaningrhouse at yahoo dot com

  54. I would use the Bee Free Honee on pancakes and waffles.

  55. I would use the honey in tea and in a Honey Almond Tart.

  56. I follow Bee Free Honee on Facebook under the username likwan.


Thanks so much for entering the giveaways here on my blog but please remember that if you do not have your profile public with an e-mail address to leave one so I can contact you if you win.