I want to give a huge thanks to Family Time Fun and Donna for giving me the chance to review their Family Dinner Games!
What exactly is Family Time Fun well here is a bit of about them from their website:
Welcome to FamilyTimeFun!
Spending fun, quality time with your family is more challenging everyday. Soccer practice, homework, weekend errands, office work…all seem to get in the way of a family enjoying each other’s company.
As a father of two young children, I had the same problem and wanted to find a solution. So I decided to take advantage of the few evenings a week that I had dinner at home with my wife and kids. We started playing word games at the dinner table while we ate.
We quickly discovered that these simple games added extra fun to dinner, opened everyone up to conversation (even the kids), and extended our time together by 10 to 15 minutes. As the weeks went by, we realized that we were enjoying more quality time together, without even trying.
I’m happy to share these games with your family. Some of the games are educational, some are silly, some help start good conversation, but all of them are fun for the whole family. Hopefully you’ll discover the same wholesome family fun that my family has.
Also check out these benefits of family meals (from website)
There are not many things better for a family than to simply have meals together. Families, especially kids, benefit enormously from frequent positive family meals:
1. Improves family communication
2. Improves nutrition and eating habits
3. Improves literacy development among preschoolers
4. Develops a protective factor for adolescents against tobacco, alcohol, drugs and low grade point averages
"Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 2004 Study: Correlations between family meals and psychosocial well-being among adolescents."
The more meals your family has together, the more you'll enjoy these amazing benefits! And remember, keep the meals positive, lighthearted and fun.
More specifically, according to research by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University, children and teens who have frequent family meals:
• Are at half the risk for substance abuse compared to teens who dine with their families infrequently
• Are less likely to have friends or classmates who use illicit drugs or abuse prescription drugs
• Have lower levels of tension and stress at home
• Are more likely to say that their parents are proud of them
• Are likelier to say they can confide in their parents
• Are likelier to get better grades in school
• Are more likely to be emotionally content and have positive peer relationships
• Have healthier eating habits
• Are at lower risk for thoughts of suicide
• Are less likely to try marijuana or have friends who use marijuana
I was sent all four games for review with the family: Restaurant Dinner Games, At-Home Dinner Games, Beginner Dinner Games, and Original Dinner Games! I have to say that I really enjoy playing these games with the family. Once I got them I took them to the family dinner we have every New Years day and the entire family played along and it was a real blast and everyone really seemed to love it and I’m sure it’s going to be a new tradition at family gatherings.

Restaurant Dinner Games:

Gather 'Round Restaurant Game
• Ages 5 and up
• 60 games to play while you wait for your meal
• 36 games to play while you eat your meal
• 36 travel games for long/short car rides
• Keeps kids happy and patient while waiting for food
At-Home Dinner Games:

Gather 'Round Dinner Game
• Ages 5 and up
• 132 dinner games
• Push-button action
• Quick & easy

Beginner Dinner Games
• Ages 3-6
• 51 dinner games
• Helps young kids focus
on the meal

Original Dinner Games
• Ages 6-12
• 51 dinner games
• Educational
You can get your own set HERE!
FamilyTimeFun only ships to U.S. mailing addresses. For customers in Canada, please visit www.BarnesandNoble.com or our other onlines stores to purchase the game.
This review is based strictly my opinion. Others may have a different opinion with the product listed above. I received the products mentioned above for free for review purposes!
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